As I had mentioned before in this post, finally my sister and I watched the Indonesia Open Super Series Premier 2017 (IOSSP), the most prestigious (and the most noisy) tournament in this entire
Monday, June 5, 2017
Buka Puasa Bersama
Di bulan Ramadan tahun ini, gue merasakan hal baru: masuk kantor jam 8 pagi! Astaga, hari pertama masuk gue udah kayak zombie. Asiknya, pulangnya boleh jam 16.30 sore. Lumayan? Ngga juga, gue pilih
Thursday, June 1, 2017
I Can't Wait!

Meet Taufik Hidayat, one of Indonesia's badminton legend with a record in "World Fastest Backhand Smash"! Coincidentally met him at Bali's Airport, Ngurah Rai, I was so happy he allowed me to take